5 Longipedunculati
Also separated
from A. cristatus var.
cristatus are varieties clavifolius, mzimvubuensis and schonlandii.

The old type locality (TL) is Kenko River,
interpreted as between Swellendam and
Riversdale. In modern times, such plants
have only been found much further east,
from the Baviaanskloof in the Eastern
Cape, growing on Table Mountain Group
quartzitic sandstones.
An interesting new collection, EvJ17063
from Rock of Gibraltar, extends the
distribution eastwards and may link with var. mzimvubuensis . It has
the stem and leaf shape of var. zeyheri, but no vegatative glandular
This light-green form of A. cristatus
is distinguished by its lack of aerial
roots, and with glandular hairs on the
leaves, inflorescences and flowers.
This was found in leaf litter in the shade
of thicket vegetation on a
steep slope (intergrading with the typical
variety!). Thus it is
a vigorous grower, that does not mind
shady conditions.
Var. zeyheri needs to be linked
with a modern, still existent locality.
The type is Zeyher 2571 in K, S & SAM
(which is currently viewable on-line as a tiny thumbnail via JSTOR
Plants). It does appear to be a good
match when compared with modern Kougaberge
collections by Ernst van Jaarsveld (but it
is always difficult comparing dried and
living specimens).
catalogue "Enumeratio Plantarum Africae
Australis" by Ecklon and Zeyher (1835 -7),
only goes up to number 2490. Thus Zeyher
must have collected this after 1833, when
he parted company with Ecklon. From Gunn
& Codd "Botanical Exploration of
Southern Africa" (1981), Zeyher is known
to have spent a lot of time collecting in
the Eastern Cape. It is also clear that
Zeyher never travelled as far east as the
Groot Keirivier, nor further NE, so he
could never have seen var. mzimvubuensis (and Tölken
probably never saw var. mzimvubuensis material either).
handwriting looks difficult to read and
with Ecklon, used a system of numbering
localities. Thus there is room for a
mis-understanding about where Zeyher 2571
was collected. Harvey originally published
it in Flora Capensis as "At the Kinko
River", but "Rocky places on the Kenko
Rivier, east of the Buffeljachts Rivier"
now appears on the SAM 36203! sheet.
Recent searches by the author in this
farmland area were unpromising. However,
other Zeyher plants have apparently been
successfully recollected from the Kinko
River area in recent years.

Var. zeyheri,
growing under thicket vegetation in detritus
on steep slopes above the Kouga Dam. Photo:
Chris Rodgerson.

A very
attractive (EvJ11201?) form from the Kouga
Dam cliffs,
photographed by Ernst van Jaarsveld.

Var. zeyheri,
EvJ7720 from Geelhoutboskloof in the
Kougaberge. |