Section: 5
Also separated from A.
cristatus var. cristatus are varieties clavifolius, schonlandii and zeyheri.
From Transkei just reaching into Natal.
The most easterly Adromischus.
This variety of A. cristatus is
distinguished by light-green, flattened
waxy leaves with a horny margin right
around much of the leaf, but very few
glandular hairs and aerial roots.
Very easy in cultivation and DMC336 is
now offered in English garden centres!
In the recent description in Aloe
40(2):40 (2003), Ernst van Jaarsveld
applies the name to just plants from the Umzimvubu Rivier
and Umtata area. Here, all A.
cristatus collections from north of
the Groot Keirivier are included under
this new name, even though the
distinction from var. zeyheri becomes less
clear-cut. Thus this variety does not
always have a horny margin right around
the leaf and is known from mudstone and
sandstone as well as Ecca shale.
writes of the first photo: "This is
a beautiful form of Adromischus
cristatus var. mzimvubuensis
from the Lutengela region of the
Umzimvubu Rivier. We collected this on a
very exposed N. face together with Cotyledon
orbiculata var. flanaganii
(narrow leaved form) with short
undulating leaves. It flowered with me a
month ago and not typical of the
Umzimvubu Rivier. The var. mzimvubuensis
with its oblong leaves is
remarkably constant over the area we
covered, but only in very sunny warm

Var. mzimvubuensis, Umzimvubu
Rivier, Transkei, photographed by Ernst
van Jaarsveld.

D.M. Cumming 336 from the Fair Acres
N. Oribi Gorge, Natal (also ISI 96 -18).

EvJ10464 Mpunzi
Drift, Umtamvuna, SW. Port Shepstone
(nearly Natal).

PVB5835 Groot
Keirivier (pot lying on a flatbed
scanner, hence the rather flat lighting!) |