Who is the author of these pages?

photographing Adro.
hemisphaericus & Cono.
turrigerum in habitat, South
Africa 2007. Photo: Prof. Andy Young. |
Born in 1952
at Southend-on-Sea in Essex, England,
Derek Tribble currently lives in
Highgate, London. He worked in the
computer software industry (including
Intranet publishing), but has now
He has been
growing cacti and succulents as an
amateur since teenage years. His passion
is now growing and studying South
African leaf succulents, after fifteen
visits to photograph these plants in
nature. Several new taxa have been
found, including Tylecodon tribblei
van Jaarsveld. As well as Adromischus,
he maintains private study collections
of Anacampseros, Avonia, Bulbine,
Crassula, Haworthia and Tylecodon.
Derek has
been a member of the British Cactus
and Succulent Society for over 40 years
and is chairman of Harrow Branch. For the Haworthia Society, after five years
as chairman, he is now a honorary
As well as
co-authoring the Adromischus
Handbook, he helped to write the cactus
and Mesemb sections in the three-volume
RHS Dictionary of
Gardening and has contributed towards Crassulas - a
Grower's Guide by Gordon Rowley.
He has given
over 400 talks for specialist cactus and
succulent plant societies, at regular
meetings and special events. Highlights
include speaking to the CSSA Convention in Las
Vegas in 1999 and the RHS "Flowers from the
Cape" seminar in 2003. He long ago
qualified as a cactus and succulent
plant show judge and has lectured at the
BCSS Judge's Course.
anybody want to hear a slide show
presentation about Adromischus? I can
also present talks about SA Aloes,
Anacampseros, Bulbine, Conophytum,
Crassula, Gasteria, Haworthia,
Tylecodon, succulent Compositae,
succulent Geraniaceae and many SA
travelogues (in English only!).