NANUS (N.E. Br.) Poelln.
(pauciflorus Hutchison)
Section: 3 Brevipedunculati

In grit pans or filling rock cracks on
quartz or pegmatite in Bushmanland.
Always in shade.
The smallest Adromischus species.
It has clustering, sparse
rosettes of plain, light green
leaves, never with red markings.
Tölken describes this with
short, rarely branched stems and
tuberous roots.
Choice, slow and liable to rot -
be vigilant in winter! Use
shallow pots. Also, beware of
scorch. COMMENTS
A waxy form of A. nanus
with single flowers, found on the
Achab Mtns. in eastern
Bushmanland, is distinctive. 

A. nanus, Jakkalswater Mine, NE.
 A. nanus, Kon Kyp, NE. Steinkopf with Conophytum longum. |