Section: 5 Longipedunculati See also marianiae, antidorcadum, hallii, herrei, immaculatus, kubusensis, Little Spheroid and Tanqua.

S. Namibia. Originally reported from the
Diamond Area No.1.
This has terete, chalky, mottled
reddish-brown, grey-green leaves with a
rounded tip. The horny margin is often
not visible at the tip. With age, long
upright stems develop.
Difficult to grow and very easily rotted
in the UK. Do not remove leaves for
propagation in winter!
 First ever photograph? A. marianiae "geyeri", by Ernst van Jaarsveld,
outside the Sperrgebiet, SE. Rosh Pinah, S. Namibia. |
Previously, I doubted the existence of
this form and assumed that the name best
belonged to A. marianiae plants
from the western Knersvlakte. However, when Ernst
van Jaarsveld
photographed these plants from the Lorelei area in
southern Namibia, they could not be A. filicaulis var. filicaulis because of
the colouring and rounded tips. He has
since shown me the plants in habitat. They definitely resemble the original
"A. geyeri" and may replace A. filicaulis ecologically in Namibia. It was already known that A. marianiae mimics A. filicaulis in the Botterkloof area - see the example in the quiz..