S. Namibia, Richtersveld, Namaqualand and
W. Bushmanland.
A large species with stout stems
and flat leaves. Markings and leaf size are
very variable, so try growing
more than one sample.
CULTIVATION Give full sunshine to redden any markings. COMMENTS
Cut long branches off
and re-root to avoid unsightly
stems. The largest forms are in the mountains of southern Namibia, where leaves can be up to 10 cm. long. There is a
distinctive coastal, plain,
grey-green western form, with a
short inflorescence and deep
purple flowers. At high altitude in the Khamiesberg and into Bushmanland, another small form (called A. pulchellus in the past) can also be distinguished. |

Looking lovely in the rain, a well spotted A.
alstonii growing W. Springbok.

A large, unmarked form of A.
alstonii, Jenkinskop, in the central Richtersveld. Photos: Chris Rodgerson. |